How to Create a ZONE-based system and Save!!

For line-voltage electric resistance heaters

Let’s face it, most homes consist of multiple zones where each family member enjoys their daily lives or have different spaces for different purposes. You probably have a bedroom, living room, kitchen, and maybe an office. All these zones have to be heated (or cooled) – but not necessarily at the same time.

If you have multiple heaters within your home, each with a programmable thermostat, you can really help increase the energy efficiency of your home. Not only can this help save money but you can also feel comfortable in every part of your home. Simply program the schedule for each individual room, based on how often that rom is used and heat only when someone is in the space.

Zone based systems create multiple heating zones in your home because you have multiple heaters that you can control individually, creating their own effective “zones”.

This means you have to have more than one thermostat. In fact, you’ll likely have at least one thermostat per heater or “zone”. This is by far the most efficient and precise way of achieving energy savings through zoning.